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Friday, February 5, 2010

14 Cows for America by Carma Agra Deedy

A story of compassion and charity, of giving everything you have to someone else in need. A book easy enough for children to understand the message and yet deep enough to move adults to tears.
This story is an African parable and a true story beautifully illustrated.

In June of 2002, a very unusual ceremony begins in a far-flung village in western Kenya. An American diplomat is surrounded by hundreds of Maasai people. A gift is about to be bestowed on the American men, women, and children, and he is there to accept it. The gift is as unsought and unexpected as it is extraordinary.
A mere nine months have passed since the September 11 attacks, and hearts are raw. Tears flow freely from American and Maasai as these legendary warriors offer their gift to a grieving people half a world away.

Word of the gift will travel news wires around the globe. Many will be profoundly touched, but for Americans, this selfless gesture will have deeper meaning still. For a heartsick nation, the gift of fourteen cows emerges from the choking dust and darkness as a soft light of hope--and friendship.

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