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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Enchanted Truth by Kim Petrie

In this humorous and insightful tale, a modern day princess finds herself single and asking for magical intervention to change her sorry love life. Rather than casting a spell to bring Prince Charming to her rescue, a savvy fairy godmother gives the tenderhearted damsel an unexpected gift. By entrusting her true thoughts and desires to an unlikely confidant, the young royal soon discovers that the person who could make her life everything she dreamed it would be has been with her all along.

As author Kym Petrie herself realized, every woman needs a froggy friend and a secret journal—and enough adventures with the girls to keep her heart pounding and her mind racing. Life is meant to be about happy beginnings . . . you can never have enough of them.

First line:
"Once upon a time in a kingdom much like yours and mine, there lived a beautiful princess." 

Short, sweet parable of how we don't need to look for the a frog prince in our lives. We can learn the confidence we need to be ourselves. It takes serving others and not always thinking about ourselves to find ourselves.

Rating: G
V: No
L: No
S: No



Thanks Netgalley!

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