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Friday, January 19, 2018

Mustaches for Maddie by Chad Morris & Shelly Brown

Maddie is a normal twelve-year-old girl. Well, except for the fake mustaches she carries in her pocket. She likes to make people laugh and slapping on a mustache, especially a fuzzy pink or neon green one, always gets a smile. Maddie hopes that the class queen, Cassie, will find her mustaches as funny as she does and want to play with her at recess. She's been self-conscious lately because her right arm only feels normal when it's curled against her chest and she's constantly tripping over her feet. But that's probably just part of growing up and not something weird, right?

It will take all of Maddie's vibrant imagination, a lot of kindness-both given and received-and of course, the perfect mustache to overcome the tough stuff ahead of her.


Opening line:
"Fact: mustaches are hilarious."

A perfect start to a story about a twelve-year old happy, thoughtful girl who finds a way simple way to be brave and funny: wear a mustache.
I wasn't sure what to expect from this book. A story from the parents point of view about their daughter's brain tumor or a sad story about how they coped with a medical scare or...I don't know what. What I did read was a fun, inspiring story told from a twelve-year old's perspective and how she, Maddie, handled her daily challenges and triumphs.
This a great book to hand to any young reader who is facing any challenge, be it bullies or sickness or loss. I love the aspect of being accepting and kind to others woven throughout the story! I also love that the authors/parents were able to turn their perspective into such a inspirational and rich lesson.

Thank you netgalley for the early, wonderful read!

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