Saturday, July 24, 2010


Is the way that women evaluate their own worth affected still by the biblical story of Mother Eve? Author Beverly Campbell suggests, -In much of the literature and in most of the histories referring to women there is an undercurrent of apology, as though there is something not quite 'all right' about being a woman. In looking for the source of this unease, I came to recognize that it could be traced to accounts of the Creation and to the ever-prevalent and negative characterizations of Eve.-

She writes of three levels from which the story of Eden must be viewed: as historical fact, as a series of symbols and metaphors, and as a place for a beginning our own search for spiritual understanding and relevance in life. This compelling book may change forever your perception of our first parents and the choice they made.

This is a good book to read to refresh a women's understanding and knowledge of Eve. Women are not evil or sinful or stupid because of what Eve supposedly did in the garden. Adam and Eve were a partnership. I knew these things but it was nice to be validated by scripture and prophets that Ms. Campbell used liberally in her book.
Any woman and man would enjoy this book.
I have to add, I read any religious book with a grain of salt unless written by The First Presidency or The Twelve. There were many things in Ms. Campbell's book that I thought may be true but weren't proven yet but the church.

Rating: G
V: No
L: No

Page 69 test:

The Enticer
We arrive at the question crucial to the story: Did Eve partake of the fruit with the understanding that she must do so to inaugurate mortal life, or was she completely deceived? It is at this point that laws, customs, and cultures assume sin and ignorance on the part of eve and place them in absentia upon the heads of all her daughters.
Satan appeared in that pastoral and peaceable setting and engaged Eve in conversation, focusing her attention on the fruit and making many claims. The scriptural account does not speak of her motives.. We're not shown if she differentiates the truth ("Your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil"; Genesis 3:5) from the half-truth ("Ye shall not surely die": Genesis 3:4). We are given no insight into Eve's recognition of this moment as the opportunity to begin the journey that would lead to the fulfillment of her grand mission. But we do know something of her intellect, her nature, and the teachings that had been..."

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