Saturday, August 28, 2010

BELIEVING CHRIST by Stephen E. Robinson

Author Stephen Robinson illustrates the power of the Savior as he uses analogies and parables, such as his own bicycle story, and scriptures and personal experiences in this moving, best-selling book. -Mortals have finite liabilities,- he explains, -and Jesus has unlimited assets.- By merging the two, exaltation can come. As long as we progress in some degree, the Lord will be pleased and will bless us. We must not only believe in Christ but also believe him - believe that he has the power to exalt us, that he can do what he claims. People will better understand the doctrines of mercy, justification, and salvation by grace after reading this book.

I learn a lot more about gospel principles when they are applied to real life situations, found in stories or used as a parable. Stephen Robinson used all these ways to help his readers learn to believe Christ, not just believe in Christ. Those two are different. When we believe Christ we know He will help us return to Him. He will forgive us as we repent. And He knows and loves us.

Rating G

Page 69 test:
"Of course not, and in much the same way, God, our rich Heavenly Relative,offers us his kingdom by grave, by doing for us what we can't do for ourselves. But he also requires that we acknowledge and accept the offer by faith in Christ, repentance, baptism, and receiving the Holy Ghost. Then as long as we keep the gospel covenant, the grace of Jesus Christ is "sufficient to own, to redeem, and to justify." The scriptures are clear--as long as we keep the covenant, the grace of Christ is not simply necessary, but sufficient for our salvation. (See Ether 12:27; Moro.10:32-33.)
But we must agree to this arrangement. When we accept Christ and enter into his covenant, the demands of justice, which are demands for a perfection we do not have, are met by the grace of God, and we are saved. Thus the saving principles of the gospel covenant are offered to us as a favor, as an act of grace and goodwill. But we can still refuse grace. We can resist God's love and reject his covenant. Christ stands at the door and knocks, but he never kicks it in. We must open the door.
For centuries theologians have argued pointlessly over whether individuals are faced by faith or saved by works."

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