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Friday, May 18, 2012

The Last Echo by Kimberly Derting (The Body Finder #3)

In the end, all that's left is an echo...
Violet kept her morbid ability to sense dead bodies a secret from everyone except her family and her childhood-best-friend-turned-boyfriend, Jay Heaton. That is until forensic psychologist Sara Priest discovered Violet's talent and invited her to use her gift to track down murderers. Now, as she works with an eclectic group of individuals—including mysterious and dangerously attractive Rafe—it's Violet's job to help those who have been murdered by bringing their killers to justice. When Violet discovers the body of a college girl killed by "the girlfriend collector" she is determined to solve the case. But now the serial killer is on the lookout for a new "relationship" and Violet may have caught his eye....

First line:
"Violet strained, searching for the sensation through the suffocating blackness."

I thought since the title said "last" that it meant it was the last book. Not! Well, I think it's not the last book because of the way it ended.
I like the new characters. I like Rafe and the tension between him and Vi. I also like his vulnerability.
The serial killer chapters are excellent in a creepy way.

Rating: PG 14
V: Main character gets beat up; serial killer chapters showing his thinking
L: Yes. Mostly one character.
S:  Kissing. Tension


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