Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Loving Someone with Attention Deficit Disorder by Susan Tshudi

Your partner’s attention deficit disorder (ADD) may not seem like a big deal at first, but eventually, the dynamics surrounding his or her impulsivity, forgetfulness, distractibility, and restlessness can really strain your relationship. You don’t want to act like a parent, yet you may feel like you can’t rely on your partner to get things done. Loving Someone with Attention Deficit Disorder is your guide to navigating a relationship with someone with ADD so you can create healthy boundaries while remaining sympathetic to your partner’s symptoms.
An essential resource for every couple affected by ADD, this book will help you:
• Understand medication and other treatments
• Recover quickly when your partner’s symptoms frustrate you
• Establish personal boundaries to avoid excessive caretaking
• Identify and take care of your own needs so you can feel more relaxed

First line:
"The problem with ADHD as a disorder is that no one can "see" it." 

An interesting book. If you think you have someone in your life who has ADHD, this book will help you understand them better. And in turn, you will understand where your boundaries and needs are and how to take care of yourself.



  1. Great advice, I could have used this book when my boys were in school. Somehow they made it through...

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Karen! I think it to realize we are all different with different ways of thinking.

  3. This book might have helped me with my son. It still might. Thanks for sharing.

    I've left an award for you over at my blog.
