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Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Other Side of the Stars by Katherine King

After the death of her parents, immigrant Gita finds herself in post WWII America with nothing but a few haunting childhood memories and an arranged marriage to Max. Despite her initial hesitations and his elusive nature, the awkward tension soon dissipates as they settle into life together.

But with the arrival of a stranger, Gita realizes she may know very little about the man she married.

As her world seems to unravel and the missing pieces of her childhood fall into place, the lives of a Nazi, a young girl, and a prisoner at Auschwitz intertwine, revealing the beauty of what can happen when fate, hope, and resiliency collide.

Secrets. Love. Pasts intertwined. 

What a great way to start out a writing career! Keep up the good work, Ms. King!

Gita has blank memory spots in her past, a stranger for a husband in the present and the possibility of love and security in the future. 

I loved the flashbacks and the different storylines that kept me guessing right up until the end. I couldn't put the book down and read it in one afternoon. 


V: a little; scenes from a Nazi concentration camp
L: No
S: No. Some kissing

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