Sunday, August 12, 2018

NO! It's the Summer TBR Wipeout Wrap-up Post!

Where in the world did summer go?? How is it possible that school starts in a week? Where did all my plans for a spectacular summer go?

I'm not going to complain about my summer, though. It really was fun and very relaxing. I hope all our summers are as low-key and chill as The Summer of 2018.

Thanks to The Candid Cover for sponsoring and hosting this event again! It's been fun!

I also got a lot of writing done and, most importantly, LOTS of books read!

Here is what I read since my last post:

I only got THREE read since my last post but I listened to the beginnings of at least FOUR and stopped listening because of content.
I read almost TWENTY books this summer. I really tried to clean out my netgalley shelves to boost my ratings on that site.

I have a few more I hope to read by next month and I'm going to post them here, to keep me going!

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