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Monday, March 2, 2020

Read Across America Day vs. Dr. Seuss Day

Learning to read is something every person does in school, whether it's when we are young, or a teen or older. For some the LOVE of reading might come when we are young, or as a teen, or an adult.

My love of reading started in elementary school. Once I figured out how to string letters into words and words into stories, I was hooked. I read everything! I read billboards, receipts and the back of the cereal box.

I checked out a book from our school's library every time we had library day. I devoured all biographical books. I remember picking all the books about women. #strongwomen

When I hit high school and was told what to read and analyze, I lost my wonder of reading. I'll never read LORD OF THE FLIES or MOBY DICK again. It was more of a chore now and being the knot-headed teen that I was, I didn't like being told what to do.

I didn't rediscover my love of reading until I moved to Tawain to teach English. My first book I choose to read was JANE EYRE. That is now my #1 favorite book of all time. I've come across hundreds of favorite books since then (30+ years) and love to share my love of reading. Especially with my children. #itsallaboutlove

We joined a book club that featured easy readers and lots of Dr. Seuss books. My children grew up on these books and we still have them on our shelves. Interestingly, today is Dr. Theodore Seuss Geisel's birthday.

His book is one of our favorites: AND TO THINK I SAW IT ON MULBERRY STREET and was rejected 27 times before it was published. He wrote over 60 books that shaped young readers everywhere. #nevergiveup

No matter where you are in life, or what your job is, you need to know how to read. Reading is a cheap way to build your knowledge, your brain and your vocabulary. Find your local library. Get the Kindle app on your phone and find free books. Start a book exchange or a book club.

Today is READ ACROSS AMERICA DAY and a perfect day to get started.

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