Monday, April 20, 2020

Need a little pick me up?

How are you doing this month? Has it only been a few weeks since most of the United States were advised to go into isolation to help stop #covid19? It feels like months. I've found myself slowing down more, taking time to enjoy little moments, like the birds singing outside my window, or doing a puzzle with my husband.

I've also found I'm not fully in touch with my emotions or maybe my state of mental health. I've started a few things that I've found help me and I'd like to share them with you.

Don't overload yourself. I really wanted to get my house cleaned, like, spring cleaned, last week. I found I just couldn't do it all. I washed the windows in my room. Then I spent time with family. Lots of time. Enough time that I needed some alone time.

Put yourself in time out. Or, at least, schedule some alone time so you can make sure you're doing well, especially mentally. For a limited time, health mate app is offering free services. You can set a goal for a step count or you can connect any devices you own. Surprisingly, for me, my favorite part of this app so far is the mediation. Every day, there's a new program that gradually builds up. And the voice is nice, too. I started using it on a whim and found it really helped calm my mind.

Eat better than you have lately. Strangely, I've craved better foods, as in fruits and veggies! Apple, nectarines, grapes, cucumbers, etc. I don't eat as much refined or processed sugar, and don't crave it as much. I feel like I'm drinking more water as well and have an overall feeling of health. Until Easter hit, then I couldn't get enough of the jelly beans. haha!

Listen to soothing sounds. There are numerous apps with soothing sounds and music. Sometimes, I ask my Google assistant for soothing oceans waves and lay on my bed and pretend I'm at the beach. ;)

Or listen to Patrick Stewart! Have you seen that he's reading a sonnet a day? It. is. amazing. He's a classically trained actor (think Shakespeare) and is reading classic Shakespeare.

Or if Shakespeare sonnets aren't really your speed, how about Matthew MacFayden (the actor in the Kyra Knightly Pride & Prejudice) reading Pride & Prejudice? Talk about a soothing voice! You can thank me later.

Sometimes, especially during #stayhomestaysafe  we need to recognize how we're feeling, what we're seeing and how to reach out to others. Keeping a journal during these times is a brilliant way to write down everything, and doing a 'brain dump' to clear your mind. The bonus of keeping a journal is keeping a piece of history for your posterity and historians. Many professionals have gone back to the journals of those who lived through the Spanish Flu and are noticing similarities, such as social distancing and staying home, closing schools and churches. And the not too distant future, other's will need your insights.

I sincerely hope you're doing well!

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