Refusing to accept that this fate is "unfortunate," Kate takes a job studying a neurodiversity phenomenon in their family’s homeland in West Ireland. The plan: get Kate’s career back on track and give Teague a chance at a normal life. However, this only becomes more complicated when a local Druid chief notices Teague's gift of second sight when the voices of his ancestors start speaking to him. Will Kate be able to accept the limits of science and the power of their ancestral ties, or will she let modern practices interfere with their family’s ancient magic and doom them both?
Victoria Costello’s debut novel is a riveting story of healing familial pain, mythical secrets, and destiny. Costello has previously authored and coauthored six popular nonfiction books for Penguin, Hazelden, and Adams Media. Using her work in psychology and mental wellness to inspire her past titles, her writing is elegant, compelling, and profound.
Taffy, thank you for this review. You do a fabulous job of condensing the plot of Orchid Child, not easy as you know! I appreciate your kind words. Best to you and your terrific book blog. Where would authors like me be without you!?