Sunday, July 28, 2024

Writer's Rollercoaster: Maybe I'll write about it

Title: The Writer's Rollercoaster: A Comedic Odyssey

Ah, the glamorous life of a writer! 

Picture this: seventeen stories birthed from the depths of my imagination, each one like a child I sent out into the world—only to have them return, some with rejection letters, others with agents who mysteriously vanished like literary Houdinis on walkabouts.

Let’s start with the trio that agents loved so much they disappeared faster than my protagonist’s moral compass in a psychological thriller. I swear, their enthusiasm was like a shooting star—brief, dazzling, and then poof! Off they went into the literary cosmos, leaving me staring at my inbox like a jilted lover waiting for a text that never came.

Then there were the six small-town romances. 

Picture this: quaint settings, quirky characters, and enough heartwarming moments to make Hallmark wish they had my stories. But did they sell like hotcakes? Let’s just say they were more like lukewarm scones at a bake sale in a heatwave.

Ah, historical romance—I've come back to this one again and again. Emma and Charles want their story told. I also outlined the story of their parents for a prequel. PLUS! Some of their offspring make appearances in Juniper Valley.

And who can forget the seven young adult psychological thrillers? The plots were twistier then a pretzel in a tornado, and the suspense had me checking my own closet for secrets. If only I could write as fast as my characters ran from their demons, I’d have a Pulitzer by now.

Now, here I stand, dusting off my keyboard like an archaeologist unearthing ancient relics. Despite the rollercoaster of emotions and the occasional urge to run off and join a circus (they need writers, right?), I’ve come to realize that writing isn’t just about agents, genres, or even sales figures.

It’s about the journey—the absurd, unpredictable, and downright hilarious journey of crafting stories that speak to the human experience. So, as I dive back into the literary fray with renewed determination and maybe a slightly twisted sense of humor, I invite you to join me. Because let’s face it, if we can’t laugh at the absurdities of the writing life, we might as well be writing instruction manuals for assembling IKEA furniture.

And remember, whether your characters are solving crimes or falling in love (or both, because why not?), keep writing. After all, the world needs stories. And who knows? Maybe one day, one of mine will finally catch an agent who’s decided to stick around longer than a cup of coffee.

This humorous blog post takes a lighthearted look at the ups and downs of the writer's journey, poking fun at the quirks of different genres and the unpredictable nature of the publishing world. Also, AI helped me with this post. 

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