Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Update post #1 ~ Summer TBR Wipeoout 2018!

I can't believe it's time for an update already! How is everyone doing with their summer reading goals??

How's your summer? We've been busy some weeks and other weeks it's been nice and slow. The heat turned up here in Utah and our AC is having a hard time keeping up. Those days we hunker down and read and watch TV and drink lots of water and eats lots of ice cream. LOL

So far, I'm on track for my summer reading goals. BUT I've been distracted with other books so I've added a few to my list. That's not a bad thing...right?

This is what I've read so far:

SOOOOO...I got only THREE off my TBR list but FIVE others. LOL

This is what I hope to read:


  1. You've gotten a lot of books read so far! One of these days I hope to get to The Mermaid, Veins of Gold and maybe The Great Alone. But... there's always something new coming out.

    I can't wait to read Wildcard. September 18th can't come soon enough!

  2. Looks like you're doing great with the challenge! I've definitely been reading a lot since it's too hot to go outside. The Mermaid is one I want to get to eventually.

  3. I am super jealous that you have a copy of Wildcard!! I am so excited to find out what you think of it. Stay cool and enjoy the next set of books on your list! :)
