Tuesday, July 17, 2018

VEINS OF GOLD by Charlie H. Holmberg Happy Book Birthday!

Desperate to save her siblings from poverty, a young woman discovers magic fueled by gold . . . and a love for the man who wields it.

Abandoned by their father for the gold rush, Gentry and her siblings labor to survive alone in the inhospitable west. When bizarre natural disasters begin wreaking havoc on the land, Gentry discovers a world of magic. Desperate for help, she accepts aid from a mysterious stranger.

Winn not only sees the magic, but controls its hunger by feeding it gold—the very thing Gentry’s father left to acquire. But the earth’s unrest only grows worse, and Gentry’s fear leads her to a terrible choice: marry a wealthy man she does not love, or trust in Winn’s unpredictable power to save her family.

Opening line:
"To the ears of Gentry's father, gold cried louder than his children did."

Charlie is an exceptionally talented writer. She can write about ANYTHING and it will be amazing and unique.
This latest story is set in the Gold Rush Era. Gentry lives in Dry Creek, Utah with her brother, sister and father. In the opening chapter, her dad announces he is going to join a company in California to mine for gold. He lives his three children to figure out how to live on a meager living of a few dollars, a horse and a garden.
While Gentry tries to keep her siblings fed, she meets an interesting fella, Winn, and sees many interesting things: magical creatures, geysers and seagulls...lots of seagulls.
There are many and varied disasters that set Gentry on journey to learn about the magic in the earth and around her. Magic that centered around gold and the earth.
I loved the story. I was a little surprised to find the setting in Utah County, but it was fun too! Charliet writes a good alternate history story!

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